The two year old classes at the Berkeley
Child Art Studio began in response to questions by parents regarding
drawing abilities of very young children. Parents would ask, “What
do I do if my child wants me to draw a cat for her?”
At two years old the toddler is just beginning to manipulate the drawing
tools with confidence. Mostly children’s drawings at this age
consist of random lines and intense tangles. Marks are still mysterious.
She does not yet understand how they communicate. She is pre-pictorial.
Therefore the question of whether or not to draw simple pictures for
her raises a good many questions about the impact the adult’s
drawing will have on her own spontaneity and self confidence. Once
an adult has demonstrated a simple schema for her, will she continue
to explore? Will she accept the spontaneous pictures that emerge from
her own pen, or feel they are lesser than the mastered schema of the
adult? Is it better to copy or discover? Which has more meaning for
the child?
In most cases the two year old will probably be captivated by adults’ drawings.
She will feel entertained and want him to continue making pleasing
pictures for her. She may then just sit and watch as she is not able
to participate in the drawing activity.